Thursday, February 22, 2018


Image result for bloom's taxonomy
  • students use higher order thinking skills
    • Bloom's Taxonomy 
  • students construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
    • Common Core - Standards for Mathematical Practice

A recent example:

4th Grade Math Lesson Launch - Decomposing Fractions & Equivalent Fractions

The initial task:

The follow up question for digging deeper:
There are many different ways to accomplish this task and 
here are some of the examples that you shared.  

Evaluate the best representation considering what the task is asking you to do.  
Be ready to make a claim and support your claim with sound arguments.

Most students want to write the first answer that comes to mind and then be done with the task.  They also, often times, come to the table focused on one solution - their solution!  We want to continually stretch their thinking and rich discussions are an ideal opportunity to do just that!

Here, the students were encouraged to share solutions and explain why they did what they did.  They were also asked to be active listeners and to listen for understanding to the point that they could explain another person's solution.  

The best part of the discussion was listening to them evaluate the effectiveness of each approach, conduct a healthy debate about each solution, and then give support for their final decision.

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