Thursday, December 14, 2017

Think Fast!

What country is 40 degrees north of the equator and 30 degrees east of the prime meridian?

Image result for globe

A.  Japan
B.  Turkey
C.  Uganda
D.  Sweden
E.  United States


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Exploring the Symbolic Side of Tom Sawyer

The eighth grade students have been enjoying a favorite classic, Tom Sawyer.  Classes have delved into the time period, the life of Mark Twain, characters and much more!  One way students have been able to analyze the deeper meaning of the novel is through the exploration of symbolism.  They worked together to flesh out the underlying meaning of people, places and things in the story.  They worked to find word representations, symbolic pictures and quotes from the book to support their ideas.  Teams worked together to create presentations and then shared them with the class.

Mark Twain would be proud!!!